Penetration Testing

API Security Testing

An Application Programming Interface (API) is the backbone of many applications, enabling data to be accessed and shared efficiently. APIs can use application logic and store sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and have become a common target for attackers.


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API Security Testing

A poorly configured API can expose a large attack surface, and API exploitation frequently results in significant data breaches. Unfortunately, vulnerability and web application scans are rarely enough to uncover API specific vulnerabilities. API Security focuses on strategies and solutions to understand and mitigate APIs' unique vulnerabilities and security risks.

Cybaverse use their extensive experience alongside industry guidelines such as the OWASP API Top Ten to conduct the assessment. Our consultants will always cover the OWASP API Top 10 vulnerabilities that commonly affect APIs, in addition to looking for unique vulnerabilities, whilst every endpoint and input field will be tested. Cybaverse also utilises automated and essential manual testing to ensure complete coverage.

API Security Testing
EXPERT services
SOC Platforms

Providers we use

When selecting a SOC package for your business, several considerations should be made. Is it compatible with your existing IT infrastructure? Does the SOC platform align with your needs and safeguard your digital assets?

At Cybaverse, we offer packages with both Crowdstrike and Microsoft Sentinel meaning you're not limited to working with one provider that doesn't suit your businesses needs.

CrowdStrike integrates with various security tools, enabling seamless data sharing and correlation across your security infrastructure.
Learn more
Microsoft Sentinel seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services, such as Azure, Office 365, and M365 Defender.
Learn more

Benefits of this service


Benefits of Microsoft Sentinel


Benefits of Crowdstrike

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Specific tests

API tests are specifically designed to verify that all system components function as intended and help uncover potential flaws in interfaces, servers, and databases, leading to improving software quality and contributing to better user experiences.


API tests can be executed as early as the business logic is defined and before any GUI testing. So it will help you to identify issues early in the development cycle. This means less expense to fix flaws and reduce the cost of application changes.

Time value

API Testing doesn't require a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and it can be performed early in the development cycle. In addition to that, API tests are significantly less time-consuming when compared to user interface tests. For example, completing a complex HTML page can take several minutes, whereas API testing allows instant access to input data.

Reduced costs

Reduced cost is closely connected with Time Value. API tests can be executed quickly using automated and manual methods, leading to more efficient resources and reduced testing costs. Additionally, APIs typically come with detailed documentation, which ensures thorough and cost-effective testing


While GUI's are dynamic and may change to accommodate new requests, API interfaces are generally stable, and due to this inherent stability, API tests are also much easier to conduct. Testing the code-level functionality of the application provides an early assessment of its overall build strength before running GUI tests, exposing small errors before they become significant issues.


Conducting automated testing helps perform the same or repetitive steps accurately and never miss out on a specific test. Then manual testing is conducted to deal with sophisticated features or specific vulnerabilities.


How we work


Work with our clients and prospects to share knowledge and confirm cyber security direction and goals.


Build and implement the appropriate security protocols.


Enhance the service offering, looking to develop build on security processes each month.


Deliver training to staff to ensure a cyber security culture and enhance protection further.


Monitor and maintain standards ensuring that procedures are in place to review security protocols.


How we do it


SOC Services with Microsoft Sentinel


SOC Services with CrowdStrike


Cybaverse will engage with the client to determine their requirements and ensure that the engagement is correctly scoped to deliver on those requirements and make sure all of the correct legal requirements are satisfied.


Cybaverse will engage with the client to determine their requirements and ensure that the engagement is correctly scoped to deliver on those requirements and make sure all of the correct legal requirements are satisfied.


This phase helps obtain information about available services, potential versions of the services and get a general understanding of the environment that will be tested.

Threat Modelling

Using all of the information gathered in the reconnaissance phase, Cybaverse will determine where the potential risk of exploitation lies and create a plan to verify those findings.


During this phase, and as agreed with the client in the pre-engagement phase Cybaverse will attempt to exploit any vulnerabilities or misconfigurations identified in the previous phases to confirm that the risk exists.


Depending on the agreed approach for exploitation, Cybaverse may also attempt to gain further access from the compromised host(s) further into the client’s network or attempt to obtain sensitive information.


As with all of Cybaverses services, we will provide detailed expert advice in our report to help align your infrastructure with industry best practice security standards.

Red Team Clean-up

As far as is possible, the systems tested will be returned to their pre-test state to remove any uploaded files or elevated accounts that were created if appropriate and desired by the customer.


Frequently asked questions

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We work with

Connected Health
Crowd Cube
Funding Loop
Job Logic
Orbus Software
Think Money
YMCA - George Williams College

Let's talk

We’re here to help! Submit your information or call the office on +44 (0)1243 670 854 and a member of our team would be happy to help.

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